As a sanitation/custodial business, Xtreme Clean is considered essential and will continue operating under the Stay at Home Order. LEARN MORE


Should You Clean or Replace Your Carpet?

Should You Clean or Replace Your Carpet? If you are considering replacing your carpet because it is heavily soiled you might want to consider a few things. First off, carpeting is extremely expensive to replace. It would cost thousands of dollars to re-carpet the...

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How to Eliminate Carpet Stains and Spots

Carpet stains can be a pain in the neck. Many people attempt to get rid of stains and spots, but this is just a temporary fix as those stains usually re-appear. This frustration causes home owner to pre-maturely replace their carpeting when they really don’t have to.

One reason people can’t properly get rid of carpet stains is because they don’t know what products to use and how to use them. The same products that you use to clean your carpet can just as easily wreak havoc on it when not used properly.

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